Women in the Home; 1930-1945

From 1930 to 1945, most movies portray women as mothers, love interests, or daughters. The only jobs we see any of the women have is actresses or prostitutes; in society, during this time, it was uncommon for women to have jobs, and their prominent roles would be in the house. Many women are manipulated and degraded by men; even when women are married, they are unhappy and submissive to their spouses. The women are thin, beautiful, and white, which sets up unrealistic body images for the viewers; along with this, all but two are in their 20s. This period gives us a small glance into a very small demographic of people from 1930 to 1945. Due to the Great Depression in the 1903s, it was very uncommon for women to have jobs, which is echoed in the films. While the New Deal in 1938 helped women’s rights, we do not seem to have many changes in films from 1938 to 1940.
